Getting started with Conserv

Hooray! You’ve received your equipment from Conserv. Here is everything you need to get started:


⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not pull the tabs on yous sensors until the gateway is connected and online.

Step 1

A. Attach Antenna to Gateway

B. Plug in Network Cable (optional)

C. Plug in Power Adaptor

Step 2

D. Pull Plastic Tab from Sensor Battery. You must do this within range of the gateway.

E. Update the firmware on the sensor: Instructions

F. Install Sensor on wall with command strips*

*We recommend installing Conserv’s sensors with the supplied Command Strips as this is most secure.

Step 3

G. Log into your account at Within minutes, you’ll start seeing environmental readings.

Do you have a Cold Storage Sensor, Outdoor Sensor, or Leak Detector?

Setup for these is a little different from the standard Smart Collection Sensor. Check out these resources:

Additional resources

Have any issues or need additional help?