Environmental Monitoring & Working from Home

by | Mar 10, 2020 | Blog

COVID-19 is a good time to talk about disaster preparedness

As a team we just had a conversation about how we should talk about this challenge without minimizing the human suffering of what’s going on right now, and here’s our messaging, “When the situation is bad, we should do what we can to not make it worse.” That’s our perspective, and that’s what our solution provides.

If you have non-wireless environmental monitoring for your collection, you’re not alone – most collections are in this situation. On a normal day disconnected data loggers are a small hassle, but when there’s a real emergency non-wireless solutions just don’t work at all – you’re going to have trouble monitoring your collection environment.

Questions to ask when looking at monitoring system

A few things to think about today, that you might not have been thinking about a few months ago …

✔️ Will my data get collected if I’m not at the collection, or if there’s staff turnover?

✔️ Will my team have access to environmental data on phones or browsers from anywhere?

✔️ Will my sensors continue to run if there’s power loss or if the network goes down?

If you’re running a Conserv system the answer to all of these question is yes. We implemented all of these features to reduce hassle, but they work equally well in keeping you connected when there’s an emergency.

Get started with Conserv

(Almost) nothing replaces being there

Environment aside, being able to look at your objects and assess their condition is important, and forever that has meant physically being there. We’re working on series of features called “observations” that simply let anyone on your staff document conditions in a space or with a object. Couple that with alerts that notify anyone on your team of environmental issues and you have a system that lets your team work smarter.

If you’re interested in helping us design these new observation features, please reach out (team@conserv.io)

Experience a modern, collections focused monitoring system

We’re starting to offer trials of our monitoring system again, for qualifying collections. We do a full trial for your whole collection. You get to experience a modern, wireless tool and we get feedback.

Please stay safe and smart. And thank you for the work you do taking care of your collection.

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