What does it take to plan and execute successful traveling museum exhibits? From making sure an object requested fits the story the exhibit is trying to tell, to ensuring it arrives safely at its destination with all its paperwork in order, traveling collections are...
If you work in a small museum, gallery, or heritage site, you may have encountered the challenge of creating an art loan agreement for the first time. An art loan agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of lending or borrowing an artwork...
It is possible that you may have been working in collections care for a while, and then your first loan happens. This means that you not only need to worry about everyday collections management issues such as documentation, preventive care and conservation, but now...
If you are planning to loan your artworks or collections to another institution for an exhibition, you know you need to consider the environmental conditions that they will be exposed to. Environmental monitoring is a crucial part of collections care, as it helps to...