You are a collections care expert. You are well-trained, and possibly even have many years of experience in this unusual field. Your organization relies on you to provide top quality care for your unique and irreplaceable collection. But who do you rely on for help...
Environmental monitoring standards? Which standards? Environmental monitoring standards for collection environments are a series of targets for factors such as relative humidity, temperature, light, pollutants, and pests. The targets, sometimes referred to as “ideal...
Collections storage at McKissick Museum at the University of South Carolina is fraught with challenges because the building was not purpose built – a challenge that many museums deal with. Our issue is that the building was originally constructed as a library in 1940...
Funding your environmental monitoring program Collection stewards who take on preservation responsibilities have likely heard some version of the statement, “environmental monitoring is one of the best ways to ensure the long-term preservation of collections.” This...
The Arizona Museum of Natural History (AzMNH) Anthropology Department was excited to be chosen for the Conserv Preservation Award to re-house several ethnographic textiles in 2023. Award funding was used to purchase archival quality materials to roll the textiles...