The agents of deterioration (AoD) is a tool developed by the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI). Inspired by risk management, the AoD can provide those responsible for collection care with a checklist of things that can cause loss to their collections. Agents of...
Understanding the environment your collections are housed in is not a new concept. Curators and collectors have historically recognized that things like sun exposure, moisture levels, and heat can cause significant damage to items meant to be preserved for ages. For...
May 1 is Mayday, which was established by the Society of American Archivists and Heritage Preservation, now part of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation, to raise awareness of disaster preparedness and encourage preservation professionals to take...
This guest blog about shutter conservation at the Winterthur estate features a summary of a Summer Work Project by Riley Cruttenden, a graduate fellow at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. Conserv provided funding to support student...
This guest blog features a summary of research by Allison Kelley, a graduate fellow studying preventive conservation at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. For her research, Conserv provided access to their analytic tools and wireless...