Our blog
Insights, news & more
Working On-Site from Far Away: Remote Environmental Monitoring with Conserv
This guest blog features a summary of research by Allison Kelley, a graduate fellow studying preventive conservation at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art...
Environmental Monitoring for Teams: Shelburne Museum on Conserv
Preventive conservation isn’t just about having data. Environmental monitoring for teams and groups is essential. Conserv Cloud can help you!
Conserv Welcomes Claire Winfield
The team at Conserv is growing! This week we are introducing: Claire Winfield. She is our new Conservation Liaison and a painting conservator. Before joining Conserv, Claire...
Wireless Environmental Monitoring for Museums: “Keep doing what you’re doing”
Find out why the Manager of Collections at the University of Wyoming Art Museum loves our wireless environmental monitoring for museums.
Art in the bathroom? Examining a microclimate to inform household exhibitions
This guest blog features a summary of research on the microclimates affecting art in the bathroom by Margalit Schindler, a graduate fellow studying preventive conservation...
Conserv’s new environmental monitoring mobile app
When you work in a museum, archive, library, or gallery, you can count on spending a pretty significant amount of time away from your desk. Why wouldn't you? Being able to...
Integrated Pest Management Software Released to the Wild!
Did you know Conserv Cloud has integrated pest management software too? Track your envrionmental metrics and pests all in the same place!
Tips for Grant Funding Environmental Monitoring Projects
Our guest blogger is Maddie Cooper. She is a National Endowments for the Humanities Graduate Fellow in Preventive Conservation at the Winterthur/University of Delaware...
Finding the Poetry in Library Environmental Monitoring
How do you make the time to manage a museum’s environmental monitoring program if you are also the museum director? Find out here.
Environmental monitoring upgrade: Paleolithic collections, not equipment!
Read about the environmental monitoring upgrade at McWane Science Center. Prehistoric collections? Yes! Archaic dataloggers? Definitely not!
Conserv Welcomes Ana Martins
Meet Ana Martins, who is helping Conserv with research partnerships and developing connections with cultural institutions in Europe.
Meet 1909 DIGITAL: The agency who “gets” culture!
1909 DIGITAL brings with them a rich background in museum experience and a deep understanding of the preservation challenges we face.
Conserv: Powered by Your Insights
To create effective preventive conservation tools, Conserv takes input/feedback very seriously, and uses it to continually upgrade the user experience.
Conserv Welcomes Melissa King
Melissa King is one of Conserv’s newest team members! She comes to us from a Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Preventive Conservation at the Smithsonian, and she is eager to help us build our connections with the preservation community.
Conserv Features: Collections-focused analytics
Collections tell stories. So does the Conserv wireless environmental monitoring system.
Building Zero-Cost Audio Tours
QR code audio tours
Conserv features: Real-time alerts for environmental monitoring
Conserv’s real-time alerts give you a little more peace of mind to focus on other collection issues.
Digital Manufacturing for Conservation
3D scanning and printing for conservation repair
Conserv Features: Simple, wireless environmental monitoring
Conserv offers simple, wireless environmental monitoring for collections—in museums, archives, or private facilities. Here’s a basic overview of how it works.
Case study: checking once a day isn’t enough
Conserv has partnered with the Albany Museum of art to improve their collection environment with real-time temperature and relative humidity data.